Saturday, February 4, 2012


Simply, a constitution is a set of principles that set up a political system, where the state will later follow. The word "Constitution" comes from the Latin word constutere which means to arrange or to decide. It plays a very big role in countries, where it it what sets the law, which all the people must follow, as well as limit the ruler's power and control. 
The first constitution ever written was in 625 B.C, by a man called Draco, who wrote it for the city of Athens, they were very cruel laws, mosstly death penalties as results of certain actions. Nowadays when a very cruel law is made they call it "Draconian". After that another man called Solon, who was then the ruler of Athens, made the Solonian constitution, to decrease the burden of workers.

As we all know the situation in Egypt is currently very unstable, but I think that it will be better for the country to have the presidential elections first then write the constitution, because I think it will be a lot safer to have it this way, since there will be someone in charge therefore, can control things.

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