Monday, January 23, 2012

Be inspired :D


People always find themselves facing rejection, however, rejections, failures and mistakes are your true key to success and happiness. You don't believe me? Well, read the stories below and be inspired!

A girl was dismissed from drama school with a note that said: "You're wasting your time, she's too shy to put her best foot forward!", that's what happened to ....
               Lucille Ball, one of Hollywood's greatest legends that ever existed.

Turned down by the record companies, who said : "We don't like their sound!" , ......

The Beatles, 
            one of the biggest legends of the music industry

He was cut from his school's basketball team, locked himself in his room when he got home and cried, ...

The Sports legend,
            Michael Jordan

A teacher told him, he was too stupid to learn anything, and he should go into a field where he might succeed by the virtue of his pleasant personality, ...

Thomas Edison,
         also known as the man who
                       invented the light bulb            

Fired from a newspaper, who told him it was because of his lack of imagination, ...


Walt Disney

His fiancee died, he failed in business twice, he had a nervous breakdown and was defeated in eight elections, ...
                    Abraham Lincon

Watch the Video below here :


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