Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year's Resolution :D

2011 has one very remarkable year, and not in a good way, everything kept going wrong in every way possible, however, now we're in 2012, we can now have a fresh start for our new year.
After thinking about for a while, for me personally, 2011 is one of those years, when you feel that you have wasted your time, I feel like I have done nothing worth doing, so I decided that by the end of this year, I will feel that I have done something of purpose, something different, so I made this list of things I would like to in the year 2012. I think it’s a really great thing to have a new year’s resolution, since it makes everyone set up goals for themselves and to me it’s very important to have goals throughout your life. So that’s I made not one but many different new year’s resolutions, ones that cover different domains in life, like different hobbies and skills.

1) Keep a diary, I may have had one in the past year, but i have rarely ever written in it, so I would like to write in it now, even when I don't have time, I could just write one sentence that summarizes the day :D

2) Learn a new language, this has been my goal the last year too, I have started to learn a little bit of Russian, but I would like to try and speak more fluently.

3) Keep playing the piano and learn new pieces 

4) Make a quote scrapbook, with pictures of people I look up to and their quotes, this on I decided to do just in case I felt sad one day, so it could be something to inspire me.

5) One of my goals this year is to limit my time on the internet, because i have wasted so much time in front of it.

6) Draw and paint more, because I like to keep myself busy.

7) Have the best year ever :D

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