Thursday, January 5, 2012

Going through the Storage Space!

A couple of days ago, my dad was going to clean up this place where he stores all the old stuff that he doesn't use anymore, I decided to go with him since he really needed help. So as we went there, I asked him what kind of stuff he put in there, he told me that he has put all of the old things, like really old books, some old furniture among other things that belonged to my ancestors, so maybe I was a bit excited to look through all of those things. Then we arrived at the storage place, first i thought it was full of clutter, but then he started to empty different boxes. First box was full of very old books, I was very happy because i really like getting books, especially the really old ones, so I started to go through the old books I most of were ones that I know, like "Pride and Prejudice, Ulysses, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, ...etc. Most of them were classics, but they were the type of books that were old, the pages sure seemed like it, and they smelled like really old books, that smell of vanilla, I really love it. Then after looking through different boxes, I found really old and vintage things which I have been looking for, for a very long time, we found things like an old phonograph, old oil lamps, really old and vintage suitcases that were very nice, we even found an old typewriter, it was very fun actually looking through all of these things. After being done with all the boxes, I took A LOT of stuff with me back home, my dad agreed of course, because that meant that there will less stuff for him to move. But when I got home, my mum was very angry I brought all this junk back with me, since she was the one who wanted them out of the house. She later made get rid of some of the things I took, but at least I got to keep the ones that I really liked.

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