Monday, January 23, 2012


Every business must start small, I mean at first, there was a time where McDonald's was just another fast food diner in San Bernardino, California, now it has chains in over 119 countries around the world, it has become the largest fast food chain restaurant in the world. That's an example of what globalization is. Nowadays, thanks to globalization, any company can very easily become worldwide. 
Globalization as also helped not only by providing a larger market, but also helped people find jobs and made people working in the business industry to start investing. However many people oppose globalization saying that it may harm other countries, were the companies come from. It can first of all cause many different environmental problems, and also on of the main problem which is causing many people disapprove, is that it may cause the people to be affected by the different cultures and traditions that come with the company, that we may forget our own culture after seeing various ones.
In my opinion, globalization is a great idea, and I don't think that people should be too worried about forgetting about their cultures, because I don't really see the connection between the two, people won't just forgetting everything about their traditions and culture, just because a German fast food joint opened down the street. 

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