Saturday, February 11, 2012


Theme : Self-motivation
The Young woman
Gently, He called, young friend, sit down with me here
She haltingly stepped forward, her eyes filled with fear   (Metaphor)
But, Master, she cried, I've nothing to offer you
Many here are more gifted, I have no talents as others do
My child, He softly chided, lifting her face toward His own
You're made in the image of your mother, who sits on a throne    (Metaphor)
You're unique, and a treasure, to your Father above    (Metaphor)
To Him you are precious, He looks down on you in love
Keep yourself spotless and become an eternal bride
Remember little sister, it was for you that I died
Your body is a temple, a vessel that is pure     (Metaphor)
Remain true to your standards, you can endure
Obey my commandments, always choosing the right
Matchless daughter of God, keep walking in the light
-       Patricia Ashley-Romer

The tone of the poem is confident and reassuring, where the message in this poem is to show people that everyone is special in their own way, for when you feel sad or down, and that you can’t do anything right, this poem is supposed to inspire you.

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