Saturday, February 11, 2012

Qualities of a Good Friend

There is no specific qualities that are needed to a friend, for everyone has his own personality. However, in friendship some things are simply necessary. For a friend is a person who you can depend on, a person you can trust with your life. Friends are something very important in a persons life, but quantity does not matter very much in this subject, but what does matter is the quality of your friends, because a person can have as many friends as he wants, but at the end the ones that really do matter are the ones who will be there for you, who will help you. The thing is, your friend is the one who knows where you're coming from and where you're headed, as an author once said: "Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.''
And a friend is a person who not only is nice to your face, but what is more important, behind your back, for many friendships will die if everyone knew what their friends have been saying about them behind there back, so here is another quality "Loyalty", is one of the most important ones, without it a friend ca never trust another.
So to me the qualities of a friend should be, loyal, trustworthy for friendship must be based on trust and you cannot be friends with someone who you do not trust or if he does not trust you, honesty, is also a very important quality, it is what builds a very big part of your trust. Good listener, for he is he person who you will go to, to complain or to tell about your day. Good company, a friend should be a good company, a person who you look forward to meeting, to spending time with, you enjoy yourself while you are with him, you do not feel sad, offended, or as if it's a burden, a person should feel bad or weak while he is with his friend. Forgiving, to me this quality is one of the most important, since it quite common to fight with your friend, so usually you always feel bad after fighting and you just want to forget about it, so this quality also involves another one which is to have the power to say "i'm sorry", since i don't like people who are stubborn when it comes to this point. Another quality is Caring, you should feel safe while you are with your friend, should know that, your friend cares about you, and is not afraid to show it. One of the last qualities I can think of right now, is for a friend to be Encouraging, for everyone needs someone to keep telling them that they're are doing a great job, and to keep us going, encouraging us to do whatever it is that we want to do. 

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