Monday, February 27, 2012

My Personal Project

For my personal project, I decided to make a small and short video to show people the different places and sites in Egypt. As a goal, I wanted to show the people in Egypt, that we will get past the current difficult period that we are going through right now. Also, through this this video, I put all the places with all the different events that occurred in each one of them. Doing this project was not very hard, even though it has been a year since we started doing it, I still got stuck at the last minute. What made it even harder was the fact that the program I was using broke down and I couldn't reopen it afterwards, so not only did all my work get lost but also I wasn't able to start over, when this happened it was by far the worst week of my life, and I'm very glad that it's over :D 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Poem

   Theme: Happiness
 What many people wish they knew:
How can the day be so long?
She asked herself some time ago
Why do things keep going wrong?
The answer was what she did not know.

God, please help my find my way,
I fear my fate is flying away
To reach a place of love and bliss
And help me conquer my dredful illness

Later on her prayers were answered,
In a way only she could see,
Although her health has not been altered
She was able find what she truly seeked

 People wondered day and night,
How can someone, once so lost
Find their path and be so bright

Many people went and asked her
She gave them all the exact same answer

Life isn’t always fair
Happiness comes from within,
It cannot be offered it cannot be sought,
It cannot be given it cannot be bought
You can’t look back at what could have been,

Instead look at the things that make you smile,
When you’ve been down for a while,
Look beyond the imperfections
Choose to look at different directions
Only then will it find you too
That’s what many people wish they knew.