Monday, January 23, 2012

Be inspired :D


People always find themselves facing rejection, however, rejections, failures and mistakes are your true key to success and happiness. You don't believe me? Well, read the stories below and be inspired!

A girl was dismissed from drama school with a note that said: "You're wasting your time, she's too shy to put her best foot forward!", that's what happened to ....
               Lucille Ball, one of Hollywood's greatest legends that ever existed.

Turned down by the record companies, who said : "We don't like their sound!" , ......

The Beatles, 
            one of the biggest legends of the music industry

He was cut from his school's basketball team, locked himself in his room when he got home and cried, ...

The Sports legend,
            Michael Jordan

A teacher told him, he was too stupid to learn anything, and he should go into a field where he might succeed by the virtue of his pleasant personality, ...

Thomas Edison,
         also known as the man who
                       invented the light bulb            

Fired from a newspaper, who told him it was because of his lack of imagination, ...


Walt Disney

His fiancee died, he failed in business twice, he had a nervous breakdown and was defeated in eight elections, ...
                    Abraham Lincon

Watch the Video below here :


New Year's Resolution :D

2011 has one very remarkable year, and not in a good way, everything kept going wrong in every way possible, however, now we're in 2012, we can now have a fresh start for our new year.
After thinking about for a while, for me personally, 2011 is one of those years, when you feel that you have wasted your time, I feel like I have done nothing worth doing, so I decided that by the end of this year, I will feel that I have done something of purpose, something different, so I made this list of things I would like to in the year 2012. I think it’s a really great thing to have a new year’s resolution, since it makes everyone set up goals for themselves and to me it’s very important to have goals throughout your life. So that’s I made not one but many different new year’s resolutions, ones that cover different domains in life, like different hobbies and skills.

1) Keep a diary, I may have had one in the past year, but i have rarely ever written in it, so I would like to write in it now, even when I don't have time, I could just write one sentence that summarizes the day :D

2) Learn a new language, this has been my goal the last year too, I have started to learn a little bit of Russian, but I would like to try and speak more fluently.

3) Keep playing the piano and learn new pieces 

4) Make a quote scrapbook, with pictures of people I look up to and their quotes, this on I decided to do just in case I felt sad one day, so it could be something to inspire me.

5) One of my goals this year is to limit my time on the internet, because i have wasted so much time in front of it.

6) Draw and paint more, because I like to keep myself busy.

7) Have the best year ever :D


Every business must start small, I mean at first, there was a time where McDonald's was just another fast food diner in San Bernardino, California, now it has chains in over 119 countries around the world, it has become the largest fast food chain restaurant in the world. That's an example of what globalization is. Nowadays, thanks to globalization, any company can very easily become worldwide. 
Globalization as also helped not only by providing a larger market, but also helped people find jobs and made people working in the business industry to start investing. However many people oppose globalization saying that it may harm other countries, were the companies come from. It can first of all cause many different environmental problems, and also on of the main problem which is causing many people disapprove, is that it may cause the people to be affected by the different cultures and traditions that come with the company, that we may forget our own culture after seeing various ones.
In my opinion, globalization is a great idea, and I don't think that people should be too worried about forgetting about their cultures, because I don't really see the connection between the two, people won't just forgetting everything about their traditions and culture, just because a German fast food joint opened down the street. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Going through the Storage Space!

A couple of days ago, my dad was going to clean up this place where he stores all the old stuff that he doesn't use anymore, I decided to go with him since he really needed help. So as we went there, I asked him what kind of stuff he put in there, he told me that he has put all of the old things, like really old books, some old furniture among other things that belonged to my ancestors, so maybe I was a bit excited to look through all of those things. Then we arrived at the storage place, first i thought it was full of clutter, but then he started to empty different boxes. First box was full of very old books, I was very happy because i really like getting books, especially the really old ones, so I started to go through the old books I most of were ones that I know, like "Pride and Prejudice, Ulysses, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, ...etc. Most of them were classics, but they were the type of books that were old, the pages sure seemed like it, and they smelled like really old books, that smell of vanilla, I really love it. Then after looking through different boxes, I found really old and vintage things which I have been looking for, for a very long time, we found things like an old phonograph, old oil lamps, really old and vintage suitcases that were very nice, we even found an old typewriter, it was very fun actually looking through all of these things. After being done with all the boxes, I took A LOT of stuff with me back home, my dad agreed of course, because that meant that there will less stuff for him to move. But when I got home, my mum was very angry I brought all this junk back with me, since she was the one who wanted them out of the house. She later made get rid of some of the things I took, but at least I got to keep the ones that I really liked.

Winter Break :D

During this winter break i decided to dedicate myself to finding a hobby or something to do in my free time so i tried many different things to do which was a lot of fun :D

First of all i decided to read, we already had an assignment to read a book for school so I read A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens as I mentioned before.

Then I learned a new piece on the piano, which was Fur Elise, when i watched a video of a man playing it sounded pretty easy, then all of a sudden it started to get really fast, so i was a bit intimidated. But when I tried to do it myself it was a lot easier that is seemed, so it was very fun to play it.
Here's a video of the piece:

A Christmas Carol !

Over winter break, i read "A Christmas Carol", by Charles Dickens, it's a very great book, i really liked it, it only took me 1 hour and a half to finish. And not very much of a reader, the last book I read took me almost a year and I didn't even finish it yet. But this is book was very interesting and such a page turner I really enjoyed reading it.